Market Analysis


Below is a video outlining some key technical disconnects we’re observing in this market at this time. As retail money is flowing in long in the current market the charts outlined in the segment below may be of interest to anyone whether bullish or bearish.

To view the video/chart in larger screen please click on “youtube” at the bottom of the video screen.


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7 replies »

  1. Yes, thanks from me too.

    p.s.: You & TK need to do a joint vid some day, maybe even add Mella for a roundtable.

  2. Hi, thank you so much for sharing your analysis.
    I wonder if flows of money coming from Europe, and from other countries with NIRP policy, are pushing up the shares’ price. What’s your opinion on this?

  3. Fantastic. Thanks. It’s feeling a lot like 1999 lately — a relentless uptrend. As a retiree, I have a very low equity exposure and some of it in “defensive” sectors like Utility. REIT and Preferred CEFs. I have a short SPY position to offset some of my longs. I have the majority of my money in short-term bond funds. I don’t want a big drawdown like years 2008 or 2000.

  4. Absolutely brilliant presentation. In less than 12 minutes you impacted the way I’m perceiving this schizophrenic market with a major identity crisis. For some reason I never thought of taking my charts back as far as you have to illustrate price and moving averages disconnects. Thank you for your ability to brilliantly illustrate this Northman.


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